We’ve looked at a simple JavaScript app from many perspectives. We started at plain jQuery , then looked at jQuery using OOP principles to clean up some code , Step 3 introduced KnockoutJs, TypeScript and RequireJs to de-couple using data-binding, provide typing, and easier modularity.
Now, It’s time to look at a new web frameworks and see how they help us write less code. I’ve been following AureliaJs for awhile and have accumlated many links over the past year. There are a lot of things I like about Aurelia, so I decided to start with Aurelia for Step 4. I’ll also be adding an Angular2 article and ReactJs. I believe those are also very viable frameworks (as well as others, but there is only so much time available to look into everything). At the time I’m writting this, I would choose Aurelia over React and React over Angular2. There are many factors which I hope to write about soon. This may change over time as I get opportunities to use the right tool for the job. I appreciate Rob Eisenberg’s vision to keep close to the W3 specs, convention over configuration and how Aurelia stays out of the way. React is a completely new paradigm for me and will require a lot of learning, but I’m impressed by it. Angular2 looks good too, but after a few months of playing with it and learning I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the configuration and testing capabilities ( my thoughts on Angular2 testing and here are my Angular links ).
To get started with Aurelia, start with the video tutorial on their website and if you have Pluralsight, I recommend the longer more indepth tutorial .
My Aurelia version of this project can be found in my Github project , but you can clone full repository that has several different project in it. I’m also realizing this approach of creating the same project in several ways is a good way to compare frameworks (though it needs some more complexity to make it a better comparison).
I started from
with Asp.net Core using the dotnet new aurelia
Aurelia CLI
is the way to go if you aren’t using .Net Core or want a CLI.
The main.ts is where Aurelia gets configured and started. It has a nice plugin system using middle ware. There is a lot more here that can be investigated .
import 'bootstrap';
import {Aurelia} from 'aurelia-framework';
export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
// Uncomment the line below to enable animation.
// Anyone wanting to use HTMLImports to load views, will need to install the following plugin.
// aurelia.use.plugin('aurelia-html-import-template-loader');
// The root is set to App by configuration and is the starting place of the application.
aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());
Now that Aurelia is configured, we can configure for our specific application and setup the router. My app.ts is where I’m doing this. The code is very straight forward.
import { Router, RouterConfiguration } from 'aurelia-router';
export class App {
public router: Router;
public configureRouter(config: RouterConfiguration, router: Router) {
config.title = 'Aurelia Energy';
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40348535/organize-by-folder-in-aurelia
{ route: ['', 'energy'], name: 'energy', moduleId: 'energy/energy', nav: true, title: 'Energy' },
{ route: 'energy-details', name: 'energy-details',
moduleId: 'energy/energyDetailsView', nav: false, title: 'Energy Details'}
this.router = router;
<!-- download the nav-bar component's html -->
<require from="nav-bar.html"></require>
<require from="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"></require>
<nav-bar router.bind="router"></nav-bar>
<div class="page-host">
<!-- all pages routed to will be put in Aurelia's router-view -->
The default component/view is my energy component. I should split this out into a few more smaller pieces, for example the select year options would make a good component and the data table would as well.
The select year options is a good example of some of
Aurelia’s binding syntax
energy.ts has a yearOptions array (public yearOptions: string[] = [];
) that gets filled up. Aurelia knows that energy.ts is the data context of energy.html from the convention.
The Skeleton Navigation project came with Gulp and Karma setup and a few test examples in Jasmine. I haven’t spent as much time as I should, but there are a few of my tests in test/unit/energy.spec.ts.
To run the tests, just use gulp test
in your command line. It runs the test in
which enables running the tests in multiple browsers in parallel and with a little work you can add this to
your build
, you may need some
C# code
or with TFS build you should be able to run it in node and capture the output (I just haven’t tried that yet).
Here’s part of the spec file:
import { Energy } from '../../src/energy/energy';
import EnergyDataApi from '../../src/energy/energyDataApi';
import RouterFake from './routerFake';
import HttpFake from './httpFake';
import { HttpClient } from 'aurelia-fetch-client';
describe('Given the energy module', () => {
let energy: Energy;
let energyDataApiFake: EnergyDataApi;
let routerFake = RouterFake.createRouterFake();
let httpFake = HttpFake.createHttpFake();
beforeEach(() => {
energyDataApiFake = new EnergyDataApi(httpFake as HttpClient);
energy = new Energy(energyDataApiFake, routerFake as any);
it('Should should hide energy data if no data loaded', () => {
It was nice to have all the Gulp tasks already. They also provided all the Gulp code to bundle for prod. However, I recommend the CLI or the JavaScriptServices template over this one.
I encourage you to explore Aurelia and my code more. I’m excited about Aurelia and hope to use it in a real project someday. I also hope that it isn’t overshadowed by Angular2 and React :-), but that’s a discussion for another day.
Checkout out Step 4-2 on Angular
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