Getting started learning about testing Angular 2+ was daunting. I have been using Jasmine for unit testing for many years, so I was thankful that Jasmine was the default testing tool (others will work as well after a rececent 1.1.x release). I was able to take a day and a half to investigate at work for framework comparisons we are doing. After 12 hours, I still have a lot to learn.
Angular2 testing allows a lot of different testing approaches and I think there is a high possibility of avoiding a large amount of UI tests. This is a very good thing as testing should be like a pyramid , not like an ice-cream cone . However, this testing is complex and will take a lot of learning. I was quickly lost watching Julie Ralph’s Testing Strategies with Angular 2 from Angular Connect 10/01/2016.
I recommend using the
Angular CLI
. ng new
creates a project with Webpack and
setup and ready to go. Then you can run ng test
and get test feedback from Karma right away.
Start at the
tutorial docs
from the Angular 2 team. Then watch
Angular2 TDD in ES6
. These Test Driven Development (TDD) videos cover 2.0.0-beta.13
, but is the best overview and walk through of testing in Angular2 that I found.
Once you get some tests running, don’t neglect a build system that will run the tests on every check-in/pull request.
Edit June 2022: I’ve learned and written about using Testing Library . Please check that out before using the Angular testing approach below.
There are several types of tests that should be written to have good coverage.
var component = new MyComponent();
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent); let app = fixture.debugElement.componentInstance;
Three Ways to Test Angular 2 Notes: From the image at the top.
and TestBed.createComponent(ConversationsCmp);
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Also check out my Resources Page for referrals that would help me.