Originally posted on GeeksWithBlogs.net .
I wanted to Unit Test (in BDD I’d call it a specification) that the controller had the authorize attribute so I found this approach awhile back and forgotten who to give credit for it, but I thought I’d post it, so I won’t have to search for it next time. I put this in a base class and it’s been very useful.
EDIT: March 21st, 2013 I added a way to also verify the correct roles are in the attribute. This is especially nice, sine the attribute takes strings.
EDIT: December 11, 2017. This still works today in Asp.Net MVC. I haven’t tried it in Core, but assume it works there as well.
[Authorize(Roles = "Super Admin, User Admin")]
public void MyController2{}
public void MyController{}
/// <summary> It should require authorization for Controller or ApiController.</summary>
/// <param name="controller"> The controller.</param>
/// <returns>The Authorize Attribute from the controller .</returns>
protected AuthorizeAttribute It_Should_Require_Authorization(object controller)
var type = controller.GetType();
var attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorizeAttribute), true);
Assert.IsTrue(attributes.Any(), "No AuthorizeAttribute found");
return attributes.Any() ? attributes[0] as AuthorizeAttribute : null;
/// <summary> It should require authorization for Controller or ApiController.</summary>
/// <param name="controller"> The controller.</param>
/// <param name="roles"> The roles.</param>
protected void It_Should_Require_Authorization(object controller, string[] roles)
var authorizeAttribute = this.It_Should_Require_Authorization(controller);
if (!roles.Any())
if (authorizeAttribute == null)
bool all = authorizeAttribute.Roles.Split(',').All(r => roles.Contains(r.Trim()));
public void It_Should_Require_Authorization()
// where this.Controller is the controller you are testing
public void It_Should_Require_Authorization()
var roles = new[] { "Super Admin", "User Admin" };
this.It_Should_Require_Authorization(this.Controller, roles);
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