Clean Architecture - the Software Way Presentation

November 6, 2019    Architecture Craftsmanship DevOps CodeCamp Presentation

Clean Architecture - the Software Way

John and I are honored to present at SD Code Camp 2019 .

Here is our PowerPoint presentation .

We’ve also written an article on the Omnitech Life site .

A few highlights

Sometimes you read or hear something impactful. When that happens we need to be able to share this with others. I felt that reading the Clean Architecture book by Uncle Bob Martin was one of those moments. I wish I had read it years ago and the ideas are now impacting how I think and talk about a lot of things in software. Therefore, we are presenting and sharing the ideas we’ve found.

A co-worker had this to say in a long discussion about performance and how to apply Clean Architecture “I think it’s important to say (admit?) that after the discussions we’ve been having, I have a much different mental model of how the entity / use case code looks and would potentially function than the mental model I built initially after seeing the bulls-eye pattern and talking about clean architecture. Particularly around how I expect a clean architecture model to handle change and the codification of what ‘business logic’ is.”.

There is so much more to learn and experiment with. I’m blessed to be surrounded by intelligent and curious engineers that have also been digging deep. We even have someone applying this approach at Omnitech and has shared his initial experiences with us (see the Omnitech Life article).

Read Uncle Bob’s article and see the Clean Architecture diagram for yourself.

Listen to the Coding Blocks Podcast many conversations going through the book.

The water is deep, I invite you to dive in with us. I know I will be swimming for a long time.


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