
May 24, 2023    Homeschooling Education

A letter to a possible homeschooling family

We think homeschooling is great and I know you can do it. We’ve homeschooled our kids from the beginning. We have 4 kids (with one in highschool now and one under 3). We really appreciate them being with us more, extra time, the flexibility, full control of what they are learning and having them learn and grow in their belief and faith in God. Homeschooling works really well for our family. It’s a wonderful freedom we have in the USA.

My wife does most of the planning and learning. Here are some things that have helped us both a lot.

The Unhurried Homeschooler book and podcasts from Simply Unhurried .

We aren’t in a COOP, but have community. Find a good community (COOPs, Classical Conversations, etc) and others to meet with and support each other.

We decided to get a lifetime HSLDA membership. They also have helpful resources.

Homeschool Awakening | Kirk Cameron was a good documentary we watched last week. It’s on Amazon Videos for $2.99 right now (5/24/2023). That will give you some inspiration and encouragement that you can do this.

Go to a homeschooling conference when you can. We saw Dr. Kathy Koch (and much more) at our recent local conference and recommend 8 Great smarts: Books – Celebrate Kids . We also learned about Credits Before College . Modern States will even pay for the CLEP test fee. You can get a lot of credits before college and avoid a lot repeating courses. Your homeschool doesn’t have to be the same as the public school!

Make sure to look into the requirements and laws for your state.

I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any questions that we can help with, but I’m sure you’ll find many local people and resources that will help you a lot.

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