I’m fortunate to be a part of a talented team that will be building a new product. We’ve compared using a graph database with a relational database. We’ve decided to use a graph database. We’ve been learning about graph databases and using GremlinDB inside of Azure Cosmos. It was important to prototype what the graph might look (we used draw.io) like before starting.
Here’s what the graph looks like in the Azure Portal (using Learning Azure Cosmos DB | Pluralsight as a guide)
A graph database is a type of database that uses graph theory to store, manage, and query data. In a graph database, data is represented as nodes (also known as vertices) and edges. Nodes represent entities, while edges represent the relationships between them.
Each node and edge in a graph database can store properties, which are key-value pairs that provide additional information about the node or edge. These properties can be used to filter and query the data in the graph.
Graph databases are particularly useful for managing data that has complex relationships, such as social networks, recommendation engines, and fraud detection systems. They are also well-suited for applications that require real-time analysis of large datasets.
(thanks ChatGPT for the answer)
when should I use a graphDb? answer by Phind.com
“the main thing I love about it is, the ability to be extremely flexible in the modeling of relationships” ~ Kyle after experience
I started with this excelent course Learning Azure Cosmos DB | Pluralsight .
Complex, many to many, excessive joins, analyze interconnected data/relationships social, recommendations, knowledge graphs, conference
g.addV('person').property('id', 'John')
.property('weekends', true)
.to(g.V().has('id', 'Acme'))
a query from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/gremlin/introduction
by('firstName', decr)
filter out as soon as you can will be faster and cheaper.action-area
“you have in there the 1 way relationship but that is kinda true, for instance an vertext in partition A will store all of its outward edges in partition A but incoming ones could be stored in a different partition. This can cause issues when you are doing a lot of different relationship queries. It’s a pretty complex but subtle thing that will kill you at scale.” ~Kyle from recent experience coding an api
to demo the subtle differences in the partitioned scenario, this query would be excellent in the partitioned graph.
string query = g.V("thomas").OutE("knows").Where(__.InV().Has("id", "mary")).Drop().ToGremlinQuery();
but this would could absolutely kill your RU’s
string query = g.V("thomas").InE("knows").Where(__.InV().Has("name", "mary")).Drop().ToGremlinQuery();
When I’m presenting, I’ll share a few snippets from Learning Azure Cosmos DB | Pluralsight .
"Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Gremlin is a graph database service that can be used to store massive graphs with billions of vertices and edges. You can query the graphs with millisecond latency and evolve the graph structure easily. The API for Gremlin is built based on Apache TinkerPop, a graph computing framework that uses the Gremlin query language."
from Azure Cosmos has a Gremlin implementation . The data is provisioned, etc. just the same as Table or Document or others in Cosmos DB. There is a long list of benefits. We see Azure Cosmos as a great fit for our app. There is a cost, but we think it will fit our product well.
You need to choose the Partition Key when you create the graph. This is using a partitioned graph, which just means that vertexes are stored in different partitions so you have to be careful about your modeling.
serverless or provisioned? Serverlesss is more restricted “Unavailable (serverless accounts can only run in a single Azure region)”, billed per hour for number or Rus
Azure Cosmos DB Graph engine runs breadth-first traversal while TinkerPop Gremlin is depth-first. This behavior achieves better performance in horizontally scalable system like Azure Cosmos DB.
Watch out for compatibility issues with the Gremlin .Net Nuget package by Apache TinkerPop -
Azure Cosmos DB for Gremlin support and compatibility with TinkerPop features | Microsoft Learn
3.4.13 was released on Jan 13, 2022 :-(. Also the constructor new GremlinClient(gremlinServer, mimeType: GremlinClient.GraphSON2MimeType)
to avoid error: "Gremlin Malformed Request: GraphSON v3 IO is not supported."
You may want to avoid using strings in the queries. If you’re up for an abstraction and another dependency, check out GitHub - ExRam/ExRam.Gremlinq: A .NET object-graph-mapper for Apache TinkerPop™ Gremlin enabled databases. was the one that was the most up to date that I found on Github.
Here’s an example from their page:
var g = AnonymousTraversalSource.Traversal();
string query = g.V("thomas").OutE("knows").Where(__.InV().Has("id", "mary")).Drop().ToGremlinQuery();
// query will be "g.V('thomas').outE('knows').where(inV().has('id', 'mary')).drop()"
// with strong typing
string query = g.V<Person>("thomas").OutE<Knows>().Where(__ => __.InV<Person>("mary")).Drop().ToGremlinQuery();
After using Gremlinq in our project, Kyle says “Gremlinq is awesome” :-).
GitHub - csharpsi/Gremlin.Net.Extensions looks to be another option.
I recommend doing some prototyping/experimenting to see what works best for you.
In Azure you have to use the primary key/password, in the [].Net Conf 2022 video]( https://youtu.be/sQb4pyEuEcM ) at minute 16 she says “that doesn’t work for the database level”. That may change in the future, check the docs
note: Kyle is a great innovative team member, software engineer, architect and leader. He said I could quote him in this article.
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